thinking about money
Finally decided on a pair of glasses yesterday, not funny. My ideas are very difficult to measure, that means I cannot go to the cheap chains. I did not go for the most expensive option yesterday also because I am 99% convinced that it is not for me. The shop assistant was 99% convinced it would work but I have leant to listen to myself better and stick to my guns. But still the total sum comes close to 700 euro and I can get only a third back from the tax man, nothing from health insurance because my last glasses are not 3 years old. And there is the dentist with the 2 crowns still to come. Joy!

Tax etc is on my mind a lot today. I need to finish the email for the accountant. The one that is coming to talk to us in december during the 4th study day. Boy do I have a lot of questions for him. I don't understand money matters easily and the site of the tax office is like greek to me. Hopefully this man will be able to make me understand, it is his job after all.
Finished Jean Plaidy's Mary queen of France. I liked it overall only not the last forty pages. They covered the last years of her life and that felt like a hurried affair. About 10 years were covered in these 40 pages. And to me they are the interresting years when she is back in England and married to the duke of Suffolk with all the goings on at the english court. But she has written more books about this time period. I think also one about Katherine of Aragon so maybe it is covered more in those books. I am still interrested enough to get more for she is a good writer.
Tomorrow I am staring Cynthia Harrod-Eagles the founding. It is one of those books I picked up on a whim. I don't know the writer at all. It just cried ou
t to me in the bookstore and on the jacket I saw it takes place during the time of the wars of the roses. My absolute favorite british time period. And it mentioned Richard III. Since anything that has him in it interrests me it had to come home with me. Part of me hopes I don't like it because it is a first in a long series. With my luck I probably will and it will mean another series I will get hooked on. Watch these pages for an undate.
For now it is back to tax matters!
Tax etc is on my mind a lot today. I need to finish the email for the accountant. The one that is coming to talk to us in december during the 4th study day. Boy do I have a lot of questions for him. I don't understand money matters easily and the site of the tax office is like greek to me. Hopefully this man will be able to make me understand, it is his job after all.
Finished Jean Plaidy's Mary queen of France. I liked it overall only not the last forty pages. They covered the last years of her life and that felt like a hurried affair. About 10 years were covered in these 40 pages. And to me they are the interresting years when she is back in England and married to the duke of Suffolk with all the goings on at the english court. But she has written more books about this time period. I think also one about Katherine of Aragon so maybe it is covered more in those books. I am still interrested enough to get more for she is a good writer.
Tomorrow I am staring Cynthia Harrod-Eagles the founding. It is one of those books I picked up on a whim. I don't know the writer at all. It just cried ou
For now it is back to tax matters!