Optician: new glasses or not?
First books! Before I start with the difficult stuff. Finished king, C.L. Wilson has done it again!!! And I don't want to wait till june to read the next book, snif! That is the downside of reading series when they come out, the waiting! And some authors make you wait for years. :) Ah well I prefer it to those who write too much too fast and the quality goes down.
I am going to start a book by a new author [for me] vampires' seduction. Next to my study books I really prefer light reading at the moment. No literature or anything. Just fun! Hopefully this is a keeper and of course it's a whole series again!
Wednesday I went to the optician. The good news, my glasses are slightly off and that could influence the headaches and that is something they can do something about. There is also a new technique that could help with my problem of seeing hazy in bad light. But of course it is going to cost! The optician recomeded varifocus glasses. I am at an age were I just need reading glasses. And these combine the tw