
Showing posts with the label topamax

Emotional see-saw

Yesterday I went back to the neurologist. I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't what I got. I was out again in five minutes. He is a nice enough man but I did not have the feeling that he was really listening. They keep insisting that the migraines are the worst part of my problem with the headache. While I think it is the tension headaches. And I think they are worse because of my muscle problems. I can have terrible tension headaches when I am calm and enjoying myself for the rest and not a care in the world. It doesn't fit their mold. So I am still not allowed to take painkillers, bleh! And they have given me topamax for the migraines. I have to take that day and it is supposed to stop the migraine attacks. So far so good untill I got home read the instructions and started to nose around on the internet. Then I started to read about the side effects and the frequency of those side effects and I freaked. Completely!!!! I said I was not going to take them, p...