Settling down a bit and making time to write about books! I did read some in April, some good some not so good. Falling i n the not so good category. Kiss of a demon king - Kresley Cole. I don't know what it is is with this writer, the series is so uneven. Some of them I really enjoyed, about half of them. Those have a good story and interresting characters. But this one fal ls into the category of hardly any story and way to o much sex scenes. I like the romance with an occasional sex scenes [only a few writers are exceptions here like laurel hamilton] for the rest my imagination can do that trick itself, thank you very much. There was hardly any story in this one and it was pretty boring. Not sure I will go for the next one. Then I start in men of the otherworld, by Kelley Armstrong. Now I love her otherworld series, especially if the books are about the werewolves or Paige and Lucas. This one tells the backstory of Jeremy and Clayton. Now so far, half way through, no woman has ...