
Showing posts with the label headaches

Emotional see-saw

Yesterday I went back to the neurologist. I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't what I got. I was out again in five minutes. He is a nice enough man but I did not have the feeling that he was really listening. They keep insisting that the migraines are the worst part of my problem with the headache. While I think it is the tension headaches. And I think they are worse because of my muscle problems. I can have terrible tension headaches when I am calm and enjoying myself for the rest and not a care in the world. It doesn't fit their mold. So I am still not allowed to take painkillers, bleh! And they have given me topamax for the migraines. I have to take that day and it is supposed to stop the migraine attacks. So far so good untill I got home read the instructions and started to nose around on the internet. Then I started to read about the side effects and the frequency of those side effects and I freaked. Completely!!!! I said I was not going to take them, p...
Life is hectic right now. This weekend there was a scare if my bank was going to survive. I think that is the first time this ever happened in The Netherlands, especially during my life time. It makes you think. My bank has been saved for now, but it makes me want to spread my savings out. Not that it is that much, LOL. I wish. Saw the doctor this morning. My headaches have been well pretty bad lately and I am taking way to many painkillers. Weird, I will not take them for my RSI pains, I have pain in my neck, shoulders and arms every moment of the day but a headache makes me grab the asprine bottle pretty quick. I like to be busy, and a bad headache reduces you to laying in bed staring at the ceiling, not fun. So I can finally go to the local headache clinic to really work on this. Bad thing, they only had an opening in December. But at least I am working on it. This needs to get sorted before I start the practice. Have some new ideas about the practice. One of the group of clients I ...