Going to concentrate on the books I read this week as nothing else happened. In between bouts of flu I did manage to read some on the less bad days. Yeah this is a fun flu that targets the head so plenty bad headaches and it was way touch not to reach for the paracetamol, I guess the worst week I have had so far. But I have 13 days to go now on my 3 months and I am so not going to screw that up! Firs t I finished Iron kissed, the third Mercy Thompson book by Patricia Briggs. This se ries really rocks , I love it! There is a good story, sex is only a small part of it, which I like best. Lots of angst and attraction but not exactly acting on it by the main character. Fast becoming a favorite series of mine. Can't wait till part 4 comes out in paperback. Yeah pet peeve, it came out in HB, hate it when it happens in the middle of a series. Means a longer wait. :( And I am bad at waiting, but not going to spend way too much money on a HB that will take up more space. I was not very impr...