
Showing posts with the label patricia briggs


Going to concentrate on the books I read this week as nothing else happened. In between bouts of flu I did manage to read some on the less bad days. Yeah this is a fun flu that targets the head so plenty bad headaches and it was way touch not to reach for the paracetamol, I guess the worst week I have had so far. But I have 13 days to go now on my 3 months and I am so not going to screw that up! Firs t I finished Iron kissed, the third Mercy Thompson book by Patricia Briggs. This se ries really rocks , I love it! There is a good story, sex is only a small part of it, which I like best. Lots of angst and attraction but not exactly acting on it by the main character. Fast becoming a favorite series of mine. Can't wait till part 4 comes out in paperback. Yeah pet peeve, it came out in HB, hate it when it happens in the middle of a series. Means a longer wait. :( And I am bad at waiting, but not going to spend way too much money on a HB that will take up more space. I was not very impr...

Neartly there

Nearly there.... my cloak has left the customs building, so hopefully it gets here on monday or tuesday. And I will be paying the nice taxman. That does get my blood up. I don't mind paying tax, but I DO mind paying tax over the postage on the package. That is the most silly, unfair tax I have ever heard of and it sets me off every time it happens. :) Today I am going to finish my letter for the counseling add. Done many rewrites over the l ast couple of days and now let it stew for two days. This afternoon I will see if I want to change things or sent it out like it is. Exiting!!!! Finished Kelley Armstrong's the summoning in record time. I love her wome n of the underworld series. I tried her detective novel last year but did not like that at all, so I was not sure about another new series. This is YA, but I loved it! Can't wait till the next book comes out. Hope that won't be a hardback like some of her other books. That is another pet peeve, series that go to hardb...

Book review 2008

Graphics & Myspace layouts It is time to start this years reviews. I will start with the easier one, books, and leave the year's review of my life for another date. This year in Shelfari I kept a list of how many books I read this year. It are the books marked as owned. It comes down to 225 but those include study books. So it is not that bad. These I count amongst the highlights of the year. There were many more good books but I had to make some selection. Catherine Asaro - the ruby dice Not a new author for me. I love this series and am always looking forward eagerly for a new volume. It is a family saga in space. And it has got everything, romance, action, SF. The a uthor is also a scientist so she knows what she is talking about. And that combination of romance and hard SF make the series so very good in my opinion. patrici a Briggs - moon called An au thor that I only started reading this year. I tried some more new vampire/werewolf writers this year and most were oka...

Still alive

Just a note to let you all know I am still here. This week is not easy. Last week the first week of the withdrawal was a breeze, this one is hell. I got hit by flu, period and the severe headaches all at once. And after a while it plain starts to wear you down. No energy to even get out of bed, head hurts if you sit up, it makes you doubt life and everything. You see I also take the paracetamol to go out and do fun things, they give me that extra little bit of energy to keep going. What if I can't do that anymore now? What if i can never have fun again? Never go anywhere anymore. Yeah, that bad. Today I don't believe all of it anymore but yesterday i did. Today I kinda half believe it. still not good, but I will get over it, I suppose. Maybe giving up the painkillers will give me new energy. I just don't know. I just hope I will be able to go to school tomorrow and be able to have fun at the fair sunday and with kaarsjesavond with friends tuesday. I did manage to do osme re...