Dutch drivers
There are days that I hate Dutch drivers! I had to take my dad to the hospital this morning for a check-up and of course it as during rush hour. In town I have to cross a point were it is almost impossible to get on the road at that hour because nobody will let you in. So I avoided this point by taking a detour and ended up there on the right road. Now I was thinking about the other people who have trouble merging in. And I let one car in what all the cars ahead of me didn't do. But then the other cars waiting pushed their way in in front of me. And that makes me mad!!!! you try to help and then they take advantage of you. Not good! At the hospital which we made with minutes to spare we found out that the doctor had been stuck in traffic and there was a 45 minutes delay. Grrrrrr not a nice morning.
Started a new book this morning when I got home. romantic historical novel set in the time of Charles I. It is a new writer for me, so it is wait and see. I like a good story in my romance books and interresting characters. This does look promesing. I bought the book at the dutch boekenfestijn.This is a pretty good place to find fairly new books for really cheap prices. This way it is not too expensive to try something new.