
Showing posts with the label fish

Fish and so

Wanted to write this a lot earlier but I hurt my hands a bit clapping at a concert. Shows you how often I go to pop concerts, not. I have been to a few in the past, but never many. And I hate the standingvenues as most of the Dutch ones are. So I wasn't looking forward to the Fish concert too much. I was doing this for my friend Mel. I loved his older work when he was the lea dsinger of Marillion, but me being a fan went back to the eighties and after that I really lost touch. I didn't know he more recent work very well and had not listening to too much beforehand. We stayed to the back in the concertvenue, Patronaat in haarlem. This was perfect for Mel who is not as tall as me and as we were standing on some steps she had a good view. It took me a while to get into the mood with the first couple of songs, didn't know many of them, yet the man is a great enternainere and pretty left wing, never a bad thing with me. But the dutch public!!!! There was a bar at the back of the...