on becoming a person
I had not planned on writing today as I am leaving for England this evening. But events made me want to write and borrow the title of one of Carl Rogers greatest works. I think it apropriate somehow to my situat ion. I am a person who has struggled with standing up for myself all my life. Well actually since my teenage years when I was bullied severely. Lately I was doing a lot better and then when you have a slight fall back it seems to hit you even harder. Especially since as a coach/counselor myself I know exactly what I am doing wrong and what I want to do different. That makes me angry at myself and that makes it even worse. Holidays are occasions that can drive my stress level through the red. I feel responsible for everybody around me having fun and that way I do end up being the only one not having funn. And I am sick and tired of that. Had a good wake up call last night, no need to get into details. So I am making a resolution: 1. I am going to start every day with a meditatio...