Banks and the influence of the state

Today I will not be talking about books. Also because most of my reading at this moment is study, preparing for the intervision group we are starting next friday.

Yesterday evening there was some shocking news. The dutch government has taken over Fortis and ABN-AMRO banks. Two of our largest banks and I have accounts with both. Last weekend they
already tried to do something and assured us all was fine. Apparently it wasn't. With the government money behind it, I think it now is. But it raises the question, what is happening in the capitalist countries?

I am a socialist. I believe in looking after the weak in society. I believe in government run businesses. [not necessarily
bankst though] but trains, busses, postal services and stuff like that. The last 20 years all have that has been privatized in my country. With a result that prices have gone up, reliability has gone down and safety has gone down. So tell me what is the advantage for the public? I still don't see it.

Also I think part
of the problems in the US, [dragging the rest of us down] is strong state government as opposed to strong state government. And before somebody accuses me of being anti-american or not understand the situation being a European. I do know the history behind it. I do know that in the beginning there were seperate states and those states came together to fight the english and only made some kind of confederacy to stand strong against the British. Even in the beginning there were huge differences between those states and it was very difficult to draw up a constitution that suited all. But I also think those days were different. Today we can only stand strong if we work together and if we have unified laws. I think the time of state law is over. We are edging towards central government in Europe, and that proces makes me understand the advocates of state government better. It is very hard to lose the right to have the most important say over the piece of land you happen to live in. And I don't always like it. Hypocrtical, yeah maybe. :) Still I think in the end we are better off with central governments. Even in Europe.


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