Still alive

Just a note to let you all know I am still here. This week is not easy. Last week the first week of the withdrawal was a breeze, this one is hell. I got hit by flu, period and the severe headaches all at once. And after a while it plain starts to wear you down. No energy to even get out of bed, head hurts if you sit up, it makes you doubt life and everything. You see I also take the paracetamol to go out and do fun things, they give me that extra little bit of energy to keep going. What if I can't do that anymore now? What if i can never have fun again? Never go anywhere anymore. Yeah, that bad. Today I don't believe all of it anymore but yesterday i did. Today I kinda half believe it. still not good, but I will get over it, I suppose. Maybe giving up the painkillers will give me new energy. I just don't know. I just hope I will be able to go to school tomorrow and be able to have fun at the fair sunday and with kaarsjesavond with friends tuesday.

I did manage to do osme reading on the better days. This turned out to be a winner. Moon called by Patricia Briggs. Another werewolf story but I read it in a few days. The story caught me and more so the characters did. Sometimes books have been recommended to me but if the characters don't grab me the book will not be a success. This is about another sassy independant woman, and I like that a lot. There wasn't even a lot of romance in it but plenty of undertones and possibilities for the later volumes. Volume four will come out next year. I had number 2 on the shelf and I will be going on with that and number 3 will be added soon.


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