sporadic posts
I have to apologise to my readers but posting will be sporadic for now. I have so many other things to do, think about, prepare and write having to do with the practice that this has to take a backseat. Last week I noticed that I was getting stressed again with all the things I had to do. Of course the only one making me do them was ME. So ME is the only one who can stop it and will!!! Don't worry about me, things are going well. Only like usual my brain is a little bit ahead of the rest of my body.
My first client went very well last week and I enjoyed it. It also filled me with other ideas for my practice that I would like to work on. But I had a few bad days regarding pain and wisely stayed away from the computer as much as possible for a while. Bummer, the ban on painkillers is for headaches but it means I can't take them for the muscleaches either.
I finished my favorite all time book again last night. Sharon Penman's Sunne in Splendour about Richard III. That books moves me every time I read it and th
e novel paints Richard in such a favorable light I can never see him as Shakespeare's monster ever again, or believe in that!!!! Firm supporter here. I am going on with Falls the shadow. It is not my favorite in the Wales trilogy. The focus here is on Simon de Montfort, and he is a little too arrogant for my taste. Still a great book also because there is a bit about Llewelyn the great at the beginning and Llewelyn the last already plays a great part in the book. He is the main character in the last book. I just have more with the Welsh protagonists then with Simon. He is an interresting character though and an important figure in English history. I did go to Evesham during my many visits to Wales to see his monument. But it did not move me as much as finally after searching and searching finding the monument for Llewelyn the last in mid Wales. But that is another story for the third book.
My first client went very well last week and I enjoyed it. It also filled me with other ideas for my practice that I would like to work on. But I had a few bad days regarding pain and wisely stayed away from the computer as much as possible for a while. Bummer, the ban on painkillers is for headaches but it means I can't take them for the muscleaches either.
I finished my favorite all time book again last night. Sharon Penman's Sunne in Splendour about Richard III. That books moves me every time I read it and th