Rollercoaster me
I feel like I am on a rollercoaster at the moment, with my feelings. Actually practicing with clients is giving me a lot! Headaches, confidence, fear etc. I still expect myself to be perfect while I am still learning my trade. Talking to my own supervisor is helping a great deal. She says she still has the occasional session that could have gone better and you cannot be perfect. That is exhausting! And the weird thing? My clients leave happy it is just me that thnks I should have done more, better etc. But I am learning here and demanding less of myself. Yeah! I love the work, and I am learning so much.
Have had some time for reading. Finished "what a scoundrel wants." not too impressed and Kresley Cole nr 4. This series... I can't put my finger on it. Nrs 1 and 3 I didn't like too much, I read them but they didn't inspire me. 2 and
4 I could not put down. Weird, weird, usually I like a series or I don't.
Started: Shayla Black - tempt me with darkness. Not sure yet what to think of this one. Not sure if the storyline will be enough to keep me inte
rrested in the long term. I have only just started so this might change. I have also started Heather Grothaus, the warrior. Now that one is a pleasant surprise. It's a debute set in the times of William the conqueror and it has gripped me from the beginning. I like the characters and that is a big plus. Looking forward to continue in that one. Still enjoying the short stories in Ring of fire, surprising as I am not usually one for very short stories, but I like the universe.

Booked the cottage for the Easter break. I think it looks lovely, I like wooden cottages. It is in Winchester the old saxon capitol of England, King Alfred territory. I am sure we will not get bored around there.
Still trying for the cloaks. But I am not prepared to pay too much for them, so far no luck, bummer!
Have had some time for reading. Finished "what a scoundrel wants." not too impressed and Kresley Cole nr 4. This series... I can't put my finger on it. Nrs 1 and 3 I didn't like too much, I read them but they didn't inspire me. 2 and
Started: Shayla Black - tempt me with darkness. Not sure yet what to think of this one. Not sure if the storyline will be enough to keep me inte
Booked the cottage for the Easter break. I think it looks lovely, I like wooden cottages. It is in Winchester the old saxon capitol of England, King Alfred territory. I am sure we will not get bored around there.
Still trying for the cloaks. But I am not prepared to pay too much for them, so far no luck, bummer!
Anyway, I digress... what I wanted to do was remind you that you shouldn't be so tough on yourself and expect too much. When you feel a session hasn't gone well, make sure you look for all the positives as well as acknowledging what you could change or do better. It's important to do both - but I bet you already knew that! hehe :o)
I would be great to meet you again! Koen is coming as well and another dutch friend.
Any chace of you cominig to Belgium this year?