In love with cloaks and need feedback on websites
I still need cloaks for my various fantasy/historical costumes. Often the festivals are in a time of year that it might just be too cold to wear them without a coat or something. And a modern day coat would of course ruin everything. There is my purple goth vampire outfit, my burgundy lauhging vampire dress, my burgundy medie
I have been playing around with websites until my official one is done. It's coming! And I need it because I now nothing about search engines, rankings, meta tags and of course I need the whole world to be able to find me!!!! and wan
Anyways here goes. This is my old one, most of the english text has not been included here yet, or the text about internet coaching. I have the pages but I don't know how to make the buttons anymore so the style is different. Yeah I know, I know, pathetic. LOL
This is the second one, made yesterday. The one with the different styles and colors of letters.
Be honest! Right it is back to preparing for clients today and more research in promoting the practice!!!! And uhm.... in between relaxing, it is sunday after all.