new glasses and one of the worst books ever
Because of my 'drug withdrawal' I had put off trying out my new glasses I bought last year for a while. Half an hour ago I finally decided to try them out. Yeah I was putting it off I am notoriously bad with small changes. And I am not happy right now. Distance looking is great but the computer looks weird, as if the angles are all wrong and the letters smaller. LOL. I will get used to it in time. I might not keep them on the whole day. This afternoon is research! Brainstormed with my coach yesterday afternoon and I have loads of good new ideas!
Finished Predator by patricia Cornwell and I must say I was very dissapointed. I never read one of her books and I don't think I ever will again. The writing style is awfull, it was written in the present tense, and for me that does not work. It felt childish somehow and I barely got through it. This one definately goes onto the ebay/marktplaats pile.
Started Judith Tarr's King's blood. She is a long time favorite of mine,
and I love the way she mixes history and magic. Normally I am not a magic fan but there isn't too much of it in her books and then I can take it. T
his one is set in early norman england, an interresting time period.
The other book I started is Phillipa Gregory's the other queen. This time she has taken Mary Queen of Scots as her main character. Only just started but from the looks of it every chapter is from the perspective of another character. Interresting if it works. I think she has done this before. I have read a lot of her books but it has been a while.
Right now it is back to work for me!
Finished Predator by patricia Cornwell and I must say I was very dissapointed. I never read one of her books and I don't think I ever will again. The writing style is awfull, it was written in the present tense, and for me that does not work. It felt childish somehow and I barely got through it. This one definately goes onto the ebay/marktplaats pile.
Started Judith Tarr's King's blood. She is a long time favorite of mine,
The other book I started is Phillipa Gregory's the other queen. This time she has taken Mary Queen of Scots as her main character. Only just started but from the looks of it every chapter is from the perspective of another character. Interresting if it works. I think she has done this before. I have read a lot of her books but it has been a while.
Right now it is back to work for me!