back to normal
Life is more or less returning to normal after the hectic last week of the year. So many
social commitments but so much fun! Both trivial pursuit evenings were a great succes and new year's eve was great fun in Deventer. I did not go to bed very late, around 1 o'clock. So I started the new year honoring my resolution to listen to my body. I was cold and tired and just did not want to push myself. I the past I would just have taken another painkiller and soldiered on, but no more. I really hope I can keep this up!
As usual I start the year with a fresh batch of book. One of my quirks trying to finish my stack by the end of the year. One of the non fiction books is the
following. Allison Weir: Katherine Swynford. She has interrested me since reading the novel Katherine by Anya Seton a few years ago. This story is so unusual you would think it a fairy tale and not true. John of Gaunt a 14th century son of the english king had children with his mistress Katherine but after his wife's death married her and made the children legitimate thus creating the Beaufort dynasty. And that would create a lot of problems during the coming wars of the roses.
For living room fiction I have selected amongst others To hold the crown by Jean Plaidy. Interresting enough this book features 2 descendants of Katherine Swy
nford as the main characters. Henry VII the usurper king had a Beaufort mother and his wife Elizabeth of York also had a Beaufort amongst her ancestors. I have always felt sorry for this woman. Given in marriage to a man who killed her uncle on the field of battle. And did she ever wonder if he was responsible for the death of her little brother? Truth is that Henry had the most to gain by the death of the princes. Richard III had nothing to gain by killing the princes, he had already declared them illegitemate and the nation had accepted this and accepted him as king. [also because they did not want another disastrous boy king after Richard II and Henry VI] it is not known as a very happy marriag, that is for sure.
Bedroom readings: I borrowed Ring of Fire from a friend. it's short stories, not my favorite reading. But it is a follow up to 1632 and introduces new characters, so I have to read it. :) As I like to get into characters short stories are usually too short for me. Let's see if I like this one better.
Another is a romance novel, I selected this one for the time period, it is set ar
ound the Robin Hood stories another favorite of mine. I hope this writer does know her history. Some romance writiers are really good at it and some hash it up terribly. That usually irritates me and takes away the fun of the book. Fingers crossed for this one.
Not that I have a great deal of time for reading. Next week is going to be another very busy week. Tuesday I have my first client, and I am very busy preparing for it even working this weekend. An extra intervision evening an a study day. So enough to keep me pretty busy.
As usual I start the year with a fresh batch of book. One of my quirks trying to finish my stack by the end of the year. One of the non fiction books is the
For living room fiction I have selected amongst others To hold the crown by Jean Plaidy. Interresting enough this book features 2 descendants of Katherine Swy
Bedroom readings: I borrowed Ring of Fire from a friend. it's short stories, not my favorite reading. But it is a follow up to 1632 and introduces new characters, so I have to read it. :) As I like to get into characters short stories are usually too short for me. Let's see if I like this one better.
Another is a romance novel, I selected this one for the time period, it is set ar
Not that I have a great deal of time for reading. Next week is going to be another very busy week. Tuesday I have my first client, and I am very busy preparing for it even working this weekend. An extra intervision evening an a study day. So enough to keep me pretty busy.