up and down

I have been on the quiet side lately but life feels like a bit of a strugle at the moment. For two weeks now my jaw muscles have been giving me hell. At first I thought it was a toothache but two trips to the dentist confirmed nothing wrong there. Photo's taken and teeth examined, nothing. So.... it is the old devil jaw clenching again! I thought I was dealing with my stress in a constructive method and was really very proud of myself. But deep down having to deal with the UWV to get permission to get back to work slowly has stressed me out. I am so afraid they will take my money away all at once. And dealing with them is such a joy anyway. Takes them 4 weeks to figure out who my contact person is, then they lose the papers the first time we send them. Now I know they have the papers and will decide within the next 2 weeks. Scary!

I am left with so much pain that it is hard to sleep and it radiates into headaches half the time as well. Postive in this is that it does motivate me to do more with relaxation exercises and I have to get out of the house more and exercise every day. Yes that is going to hard for this lazy book addicted person. :)

I cancelled school for tomorrow. Tough decision but I don't feel well enough and it would cost me a lot of energy. Energy I want to spare at this point because I want to enjoy my holiday that starts next thursday. Yes I do feel scared about not feeling well enough then and I know that is counterproductive. Bleh! I have sceduled another trip to fysio for tuesday and a visit to my GP to see what he can do for me. In the meantime I will continue with postive thought, plenty of rest, relaxation and new! going outside every day to walk or cycle. It is all I can do. But I do hope this passes fairly soon now.

I finished the black jewel trilogy. I want more!!!!! Those books are so great!!!!! Enlgish bookshops, here I come. The euro and pound are almost one on one at the moment.


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