
Just a short scribble to let you all know that I will be on holiday starting tomorrow and getting back late on saturday the 18th. Going to England again, the easter weekend re-enacting at basing house and then a few days of siteseeing and shopping. The pound has lost so much to the euro that it is very interresting at the moment. And I will blog about the highlights when I get back. Just hope that I will feel a bit better then the last couple of days. One big headache since monday and very tired. This is not my best time of year. So hopefully the tension will drop from me when we leave tomorrow evening.

It does help that I know my IRO is approved. And I am keeping my dissabilitymoney, they will just subscract my earnings from my disability money. That is great news for me, no pressure! So I had hoped that would help my headache when I heard yesterday but I think the stress was so big that it will take a little longer. :)

I have some books with me as well, so expect little reviews when I get back!


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